‘High’ vibration versus ‘low’ vibration’. What does ‘vibration’ mean? How to change your vibration? How do I raise my vibration? Vibration explained...

Everything has vibration, or frequency. Everything is waves of energy. This is not good or bad, it is just a fact. This is not a ‘spiritual’ concept. It is the nature of the universe. Higher doesn’t mean better than lower.

Everything is made of Universal Energy. Consciousness causes vibration. Waves carry information. ‘Changing your vibration’ changes your state of consciousness, changes your energy, changes your experience.

‘Lower’ vibration or frequency is slower, meaning the waves are longer/lower/wider. ‘Higher’ vibration or frequency is faster, meaning the waves are higher/narrower/closer together. All these wavelengths exist in the same ‘space’. It’s how a radio can tune into different frequencies that are unseen in the air around us.

In the visible light spectrum (which is what we can see), the colors change from red (low frequency) to purple (high frequency). White light is all the colors, which can be split, as in a prism. Though there are many, many vibrations/frequencies/wavelengths that we can’t see with our naked eye, we may still experience and use them. For example radio waves are lower frequency than we can see, and x-rays are higher than what we can see.

We also can hear vibrations. That is what sound is— vibration— a sound wave hitting our inner ear. These sound vibrations create patterns. The lower the frequency the simpler the patterns, the higher the more complex…

This video is a must-watch to see sound vibrations creating beautiful geometric patterns.
Here’s another video with the vibrations of music creating mesmerizing patterns. (Cymatics)

Even planets and stars vibrate and make unique sounds.

Planets have vibrations, and sounds, too.
As do stars…

There are also many sounds that we can’t hear, that are above and below human hearing range. Like scales on a piano, the notes keep going up higher and higher, and down lower and lower than the keys on the piano. Just because we can’t see or hear a frequency, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

Sound, like all vibrations, has the power to CREATE. It pays to listen to and become aware of the sounds that you make– your voice, your intonations, your words.

We humans have developed tools to detect many frequencies, but there are also many levels we don’t yet have the ability detect. We also tend to discount the ability of consciousness to detect, and affect, vibrations.

We all can FEEL vibrations in each other. We can automatically sense the difference between the Low Vibrational Consciousness (LVC) of shame, depression, and blame and the High Vibrational Consciousness of joy, peace, and love. Because all energy/consciousness has vibration, we ALL have the ability to detect emotions/energy/consciousness in others and ourselves, and this ability can become very accurate with practice. Like many technological devices, we are both receivers and emitters.

We also instinctively know what lowers our ‘vibration’, or state, or raises it, whether or not we ever considered it that way. Check out this chart, created by David Hawkins, which explains the levels of consciousness. Note how courage is the dividing line between ‘negative’ and ‘positive’. The scale is logarithmic, meaning the higher levels increase exponentially and have a far more powerful and far-reaching effect than the lower levels.

This means that one person with very high vibrational consciousness can have a powerful affect on many people. (Think of the Buddha, Jesus, and others who are still having an influence thousands of years after they lived. I’m talking about the beings here– not the religions and doctrines that followed.) This also means that you ‘raising your vibration’ has a positive effect beyond just your own experience. One ‘positive’ person can offset 90,000 to up to 70 million ‘negative people! This is why it has been said that meditation is your civic duty. 🙂

Not only can we feel vibrational states automatically, if we don’t know how to shift or maintain our own state (or vibration), then we might find ourselves automatically resonating with another, like tuning forks do. Watch here:

We, as humans, have the capacity for all the vibrations from ‘low’ to ‘high’ built into our human bodies and energy systems. The most balanced of us are connected to the ‘lower’ vibrations of the earth which keep us grounded AND the ‘higher’ vibrations of love, for example, which makes life a beautiful experience. What vibrations we experience are a matter largely of habit, since few of us humans have learned how to be conscious of, and to change, vibration.

In fact High Vibrational Consciousness can heal all sorts of problems (mental, emotional, physical and spiritual). We can each learn how to transform our energy patterns from lower to higher vibrations and heal ourselves. We learn to be aware of what we resonate with. And what we resonate with will naturally shift as our vibration changes. There is a universal law that Like Attracts Like. This means a high vibration resonates with and attracts positive things and experiences, and vice versa. To quickly shift from low vibration to high vibration, try simple gratitude. It is a very powerful tool.

As we learn to notice everything as just energy vibrating, we become able to ‘hold two places at once’. This means we become aware that we not the energy moving, it is just a temporary experience, constantly changing. Then we become able to observe with awareness, to feel anything, to lean into it, to let it flow, and allow it to transform. Because if allowed to move, without resistance or blocking, it will always return to its natural, positive, higher vibrational state. The natural state of all creation is the highest vibration. And we are that too. The cure for all that ails us is to discover how to reconnect to that Core Being, which is the highest vibration already.

Then it is like we are developing superpowers, because we begin to create consciously, with awareness, and the higher frequencies make transformation faster and easier than we ever imagined. It’s amazing, everything we ever needed was already within!

You might even say that this is our evolutionary path.

Aurora Borealis

‘By humbly and honestly admitting your hate and expressing it constructively, that is, assuming responsibility for it, your capacity to love grows commensurately. By willingly experiencing your fear, you grow fearless and secure. This is so because the apparently opposite feelings are one and the same energy current, appearing in different frequencies and degrees of condensation. The vibration changes as you discover the oneness of the opposites. The more you avoid a feeling, the less can you experience its other side. No hate, no pain, no fear is ever permanent, but love, pleasure, security, peace, and bliss are permanent conditions. Hate, pain, fear are but frozen energy, distorted consciousness.’ – The Pathwork

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3 thoughts on “‘VIBRATION’ EXPLAINED

  1. Pingback: Release Doubts & Insecurities - FiVE STAR HUMAN

  2. Pingback: Shift Into Neutral - FiVE STAR HUMAN

  3. Pingback: Vibrational Revelations – FiVE STAR HUMAN

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