Intuitive Psychotherapy & Practical Homeopathy

Emily Marshall, Psychotherapist

Affordable, Effective, Efficient Therapy

Locally serving the Roaring Fork Valley, including including Glenwood Springs, Carbondale, Basalt, Snowmass, Aspen, New Castle, Silt, Garfield County, Pitkin County and beyond.

Check out my local webpage for Roaring Fork Psychotherapy here.

And find out more about Roaring Fork Homeopathy here.

In-Person Sessions in Glenwood Springs, CO

Online Sessions, by request

Email me

Psychotherap and Homeopathy Services Glenwood Springs CO
I’ll meet you in my office… In-person or virtually

Call or text me

(Click here for my current local time.)

The rate is $90 for 90 minutes.


Please reach out to me directly about working together.

Location: 341 Spring View Dr.

Glenwood Springs, CO 81601

FAQs : Frequently Asked Questions

How long are therapy sessions?

90 min, unless scheduled otherwise.

Where are you located?

Glenwood Springs, Colorado. See map above. In the Roaring Valley which includes Glenwood Springs, Carbondale, Basalt, Snowmass, Aspen, Garfield County, and Pitkin County.

What is Homeopathy?

A system of medicine that is 250 years old, is safe, effective and side effect free. Learn more at my site

It is not required as a part of psychotherapy. But it is something you may want to consider especially for chronic cases of depression, anxiety, panic attacks, ADHD and other psycho-emotional conditions that are difficult to uproot quickly with talk-therapy alone.

Are sessions confidential?

Yes, 100%. The only exception is if the client is a direct threat to themselves or others, in which case it is my duty to notify someone.

Are online therapy sessions effective?

The short answer is, yes, very. I have lots of experience doing online sessions and find very little difference between in-person therapy and ‘telesessions’. I don’t have clients complain about this at all. In fact, I think many come to prefer it for the convenience.

Added benefits of online therapy sessions are: You are in the comfort and privacy of your own space. You can go offscreen if you need to. You have access to therapists all over the world, not just in your local area.

I prefer Zoom. Before our session, we will make a plan and I will send you a link to connect. I will also send you instructions before our first session so you set up everything at your end for an optimal experience.

Can I do live, in-person sessions?

Yes, of course! If you are near Glenwood Springs, Colorado- or want to come here- we can do sessions in my office.

Can I make a list of issues or questions I have for you?

Yes, please. I always encourage clients to make notes to themselves or even write out full lists between sessions. They send this to me beforehand or bring the notes to our session so they don’t forget anything important.

What are therapy sessions with you like? What do I do?

Well, you can read through this website to get a general feel for my style, what I share, and what I teach. It’s much more than talk therapy. (Though having someone to deeply listen to you is generally helpful.) It’s also not ‘out there’, like making you freeform dance or anything. 🙂 Your comfort is number one. Trust and feelings of safety are critical to healing, and a big part of my job is to track your level of comfort and to make sure you realize that it’s all about you and what you need, not any agenda of mine.

We usually start each session off with a check in. You can bring up anything that’s going on, and I can see where you are at and what I notice is going on too.

Then we choose a direction for the session, based on what is most pressing, most present, or most needed. This therapy is very mindful, moving through the 5 Steps/Laws/Skills that you will learn. We might stay a bit more mental and work with thoughts. We might dive into a feeling, guiding you through a difficult emotion and helping you transform. We usually take some time to teach you skills for grounding and centering and connecting to your true self. We might do some work on reprogramming your systems and patterns.

At the end of each session we usually check in to see what your takeaway is, such as what you got out of the session, or what you will be aware of going forward.

Sessions are flexible and fluid and, in my experience, there is growth and insight each time. Sometimes the insight follows after the session, as the work has a way of continuing on beyond our time together.

What types of people do you work with?

All kinds. I seem to have a lot of men as clients. But I work with plenty of women as well. I love working with 20-somethings, and I have a lot of clients in that age-range. I work with couples; usually individually, but sometimes together. The work I do is for anyone, who is open to it. In my opinion, this is the evolution of human consciousness and the end of suffering.

What is a free consultation?

It’s 15-20 minutes with me face-to-face online, or by phone, just to chat and see if working together would be a good fit. It’s up to you if you want a free consultation or just want to get started with a session. Free consultations aren’t therapy, more of just a meet-and-greet where you can ask me questions and get a feel for me as a person.

How do I pay for therapy sessions?

Payment is due at the end of each session, unless we arrange otherwise. Find some payment options here. We will communicate to make it convenient for the both of us.

Do you accept insurance?

Sorry, I do not accept insurance. It’s just way too complicated. If your insurance will reimburse you, I’m happy to help you need to make that happen, if it’s not overly time consuming.

“It is impossible to condemn part of a relationship and find peace in it.” – ACIM

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