Enlightenment Experience Support

This is the one point that many misunderstand: If that longed-for realisation of the Self comes in a thousand years from now, the moment when it occurs will be identical with this moment here today. Mind fantasizes about a lasting transformation to happen, but if and when that transformation occurs, the One beyond transformation will watch it. That One is here now and cannot be transformed. – Mooji (Writing on Water)

So you had an enlightenment or awakening experience. And for a short time (hours, days, even weeks) you were living in heaven on earth. You had seen beyond the veil, you knew in your heart the truth of who we are all.

And then it began to fade, and the old emotional patterns started to creep back in. And you found yourself wondering how to get back ‘there’, and why it didn’t last. You find yourself asking, ‘Now what??? I can’t go back to life exactly as it was before, but I also can’t seem to get back to that state of oneness.’

Enlightenment… awakening… ascending… liberation… is real. In fact, it may be the only real thing. And I can say in all honesty — here in this crazy world where nothing lasts — that it is the birthright of every one of us.

There is no one path, in fact there is no path. It’s already there, or here, just waiting for you to wake up and notice. You don’t have to journey to Tibet, join an ashram, or become a sannyasin. You don’t have to do yoga, meditate in lotus position, or follow any religion or particular guru.

Enlightenment, awakening, realization, is not a place. It is an experience. It is connecting to our essence. The essence that is in each of us. We can evolve and expand and transform, without limit, and we can awaken to the truth of who we are in that essence.

All of the legends- Buddha, Jesus, Indian Gurus, Eckhart Tolle- teach the same thing in different ways. How to have that experience which no one can give to you, and no one can even explain perfectly in words.

Maybe you already had that ‘spiritual experience’ and found ‘it’ in an instant.

Have you felt the intense void, the all-embracing emptiness? Those who catch a glimpse often find it hard to get back. In India they call it a ‘free taste’. You caught a glimpse of the beyond, but now there is WORK to do to learn to reconnect consciously to your ‘Core Being’, and to learn to stay connected no matter what happens.

‘The fruit falls suddenly, but the ripening takes time.’ – Maharaj

Many of those who get a ‘free taste’ end up frustrated with what ‘to do next’. Others say, I know now what is real and that all of this illusion, but I still get lost and freak out sometimes! Why am I not ‘fixed’ now that I have begun to awaken?

It’s like weight training, you have to gradually build up the energetic ‘muscles’. You have to clear the emotional blocks in the subconscious that prevent your Presence from entering and staying. You have to re-pattern, reconnect to, and take command of your physical and energetic bodies.

In a sense, true spirituality is like warrior training. And this world is our training field. Every experience is an opportunity to train. And, as you know already, there are many pitfalls along the way. Most of us need a guide, at least sometimes.

You can learn to reconnect and stay connected to that blissful state of reality that we call awakened, to have the direct experience of spirit on command. You can practice the steps to return to wholeness again and again, until it becomes completely natural to you.

An experienced guide can help to keep you out of ‘spiritual junk food’ or ‘spiritual bypass’. That is when we try to skip over the hard (and necessary) steps to go straight to the higher vibrations. Or we just check out and disconnect from the hard stuff and claim we are being neutral or ‘spiritual’.

True spirituality is totally grounded and real and present with whatever is happening NOW. It doesn’t have to avoid anything. It is not too sensitive to deal with whatever comes its way. It knows how to return to center, no matter the circumstances. It walks into the darkness in total security and trust in the truth of what it is. Because it is the light in the darkness.

And so we begin a journey of self-healing, discovering what is Me and and what is not Me, uncovering that ultimate security within, and learning to live in the light more and more.

Find the personal spiritual guidance you need. Then, if you are so inclined, you can expand into helping and guiding others, by being the light in the darkness for them!

Everything in this world is here to wake you up.

(If you are upset, you’ve still got work to do.)

Pain wakes you up to what is real.

When you wake up, you’re loved.

If you like, contact me here. I am a dedicated practitioner and therapist and I help people learn to reconnect to the state of oneness.

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