
Before you know what kindness really is
you must lose things,
feel the future dissolve in a moment
like salt in a weakened broth.
What you held in your hand,
what you counted and carefully saved,
all this must go so you know
how desolate the landscape can be
between the regions of kindness.
How you ride and ride
thinking the bus will never stop,
the passengers eating maize and chicken
will stare out the window forever.

Before you learn the tender gravity of kindness
you must travel where the Indian in a white poncho
lies dead by the side of the road.
You must see how this could be you,
how he too was someone
who journeyed through the night with plans
and the simple breath that kept him alive.

Before you know kindness as the deepest thing inside,
you must know sorrow as the other deepest thing.
You must wake up with sorrow.
You must speak to it till your voice
catches the thread of all sorrows
and you see the size of the cloth.
Then it is only kindness that makes sense anymore,
only kindness that ties your shoes
and sends you out into the day to gaze at bread,
only kindness that raises its head
from the crowd of the world to say
It is I you have been looking for,
and then goes with you everywhere
like a shadow or a friend.

Poem by Naomi Shihab Nye, 1952

Affordable psychotherapy that really works

Although we may call it ‘therapy’, I prefer to think of it as a treasure hunt. With a little curiosity and courage, a good dose of willingness to explore the inner terrain, and a caring guide, each of us can discover the pure gold within that is our True Self. True, it may be buried under layers of muck, but that’s where the exciting adventure begins, and the true riches can be found. Schedule a session online or in-person. Affordable, efficient, effective therapy.

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For more, visit the FiVE STAR HUMAN blog archives here.

On Nothingness

Intuitive Psychotherapy, Energy Healing and Emotional Transformation Technology, including support of Kundalini Yoga exercises for energy stability and growth. Emily Marshall, Boulder, CO online therapist.

I can’t tell you how many of my clients admit to struggling, even deeply suffering, with the idea of death and becoming ‘nothing’ (the term they all tend to use). This seems to have become (or always has been?) an all-pervasive human fear.

But those who enter into the so-called nothingness, discover that putting words to the experience is very limited. One word for it could be nothing, the other is everything. And since YOU (in your essence, as consciousness) are there to observe this nothingness, you can’t actually be or experience nothing.

Have you ever actually experienced nothing? There’s always something, some awareness (even if it doesn’t reach this human consciousness)… so I would say no one has.

This is a wonderful entry into transformative personal therapy. I welcome this issue to arise, as it allows us to go deeply into the inner and discover the truth of Being. Once experienced, suffering dissipates, health shines through and all is seen with a new, clear, usually loving, vision.

The following are just a few quotes from masters on the concept of nothingness. Meditate on their words, When faced with the fear of death or ‘being nothing’, sit with it, go into and through it, breathe, and do not abandon yourself no matter what: It is merely a doorway, a portal, to a beautiful understanding of Universal Truth.

‘But words like emptiness, nothingness, have been condemned, and you have accepted the idea. Rather than exploring the beauty of nothingness. It is utter silence. It is soundless music, there is no joy that can be compared to it. It is sheer blissfulness.

Because of this experience, Gautam Buddha called his ultimate encounter with himself nirvana. Nirvana means nothingness. And once you are at ease with your nothingness, all tensions, conflicts, worries disappear. You have found the source of life, which knows no death.’

Osho (Fame, Fortune and Ambition)

“The miracle is that when there is nothing else for your consciousness to be conscious of, the consciousness turns upon itself. It becomes a circle. Finding no obstacle, finding no object, it comes back to the source.”

—Osho (Love, Freedom and Aloneness)

‘Once you realize that the person is merely a shadow of the reality, but not the reality itself, you cease to fret and worry. You agree to be guided from within and life becomes a journey into the unknown.’

—Maharaj, I Am That—-Maharaj, I Am That

‘Have you felt the all-embracing emptiness?’

—Maharaj, I Am That—-Maharaj, I Am That

‘When our thoughts look real, we live in a world of suffering. When they look subjective, we live in a world of choice. When they look arbitrary, we live in a world of possibility. And when we see them as illusory, we wake up inside a world of dreams.’

—The Inside-Out Revolution, Michael Neill

‘Thank you for allowing me to be nothing.’


For some of the books that these quotes came from, and more self-help resources, click here.

Although we may call it ‘therapy’, I prefer to think of it as a treasure hunt. With a little curiosity and courage, a good dose of willingness to explore the inner terrain, and a caring guide, each of us can discover the pure gold within that is our True Self. True, it may be buried under layers of muck, but that’s where the exciting adventure begins, and the true riches can be found. Schedule a session online or in-person. Affordable, efficient, effective therapy.

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For more, visit the FiVE STAR HUMAN blog archives here.

Vibrational Revelations

Everything is vibration — or frequency.

Alejandro and Elena’s Vibrational Revelations (find them at not only know this but have developed a system to measure the vibrational levels of people, organizations, concepts, and all things under the sun.

Their system is based on the original concepts of David Hawkins, as explained in the book Power vs Force. (A must read. You can also find it on my recommended reading list.)

Curious about the vibrational levels of famous people? Every week Alejandro and Elena reveal their readings on multiple famous personalities. Sometimes they cover organizations. Sometimes they explore things (such as drugs) and their effect on the human body. They even did an episode on cryptocurrencies.

You can find lots of free episodes here. (Scroll down about 1/3 of the way until it says ‘free episodes’.)

Besides being generally interesting, I believe their works helps us develop our intuition as we match our inner knowing to measured vibrational frequencies. Yes, there are people down at the level of evil, and there are those who are enlightened beings.

Also interesting is how often the ‘consensus’, or what we think we know based on the narrative we are told, is dead opposite of the truth. That is us being hijacked. But we can take back the power to truly KNOW and to trust in that inner knowing.

Here’s a free Vibrational Revelations videos that is relevant to us all:

I would definitely say these are some FiveStarHumans!

‘Small is the number of them that see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.’ – Albert Einstein

Although we may call it ‘therapy’, I prefer to think of it as a treasure hunt. With a little curiosity and courage, a good dose of willingness to explore the inner terrain, and a caring guide, each of us can discover the pure gold within that is our True Self. True, it may be buried under layers of muck, but that’s where the exciting adventure begins and the true riches can be found. Schedule a session online or in-person. Affordable, efficient, effective therapy.

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For more, visit the FiVE STAR HUMAN blog archives here.

Reset to be 100% Yourself

When we talk about FiveStarHumans, I have to put Randy Veitenheimer at the top of that list.

Randy Veitenheimer, The Energy Doktor

The first time I saw Randy speak on Gaia TV, I was struck by his Presence. He sat so calmly, completely centered in an absolutely huge energy field. He talked about how few people were 100% themselves (with many around 2%) and how he had learned to reset people to be 100% percent themselves, and to open and realign all their energy inputs.

It wasn’t long before I did a session with him. He works over the phone using just your name and voice (‘I am Emily’) to negotiate all of the levels of your being and reset them all back to at least neutral.

My starting levels were:

22% myself, 0% available, 0 inputs (of 28 acupuncture), 0 Volts in spine (of 36V+), 2 1/2 ft energy field

When he was done going through all of the dimensions, family connections, and various statements about myself (such as ‘I deserve…’) my ending levels were:

100% myself, 100% available, 31 inputs, 50V spine, 8 1/2 foot energy field

My chronic sacrum/low back discomfort was gone. I also noticed that my energy felt totally centered. In retrospect, it was as if my energy had been streaming out behind me, and through that I was losing a lot of energy.

Randy also gave me daily exercises to do to help keep my energy field big and bright. I have done them every day now for years.

Randy has a lifetime of Kundalini Yoga, martial arts, and meditation training and is a Qi Gong Chinese Medicine Master. He was also raised with Native American wisdom. His energy field is so big that he can reset yours. He stays in neutral, and in Truth, so that he can see forward and backward in time, including for you.

He is a true energy healer.

When I did the session with him, he charged $500 for one hour, which included a one hour follow up a week later where he checked that everything stayed reset.

The work Randy did to help me has helped me to help others. My work as an intuitive psychotherapist has deepened and my ability to help others heal has grown.

Look up Randy Veitenheimer online and you can listen to some of his talks. Roland Achenjang has hosted Randy on his podcast multiple times for some great conversations. You can also find him on Or go straight to his website at

‘If you can’t discern the truth, you have to believe what other people tell you. (Or worse, what you tell you!)’– Randy Veitenheimer

Discover the truth of who and what you really are. (Only that which is eternal is Truth.) Emily can help you uncover and release ingrained mental and emotional patterns in order to reconnect to your True Self and live your highest experience. Schedule a session online or in-person. Affordable, efficient, effective therapy.

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For more, visit the FiVE STAR HUMAN blog archives here.

Intro to ACIM

Introduction to A Course in Miracles

“1. This is a course in miracles. ²It is a required course. ³Only the time you take it is voluntary. ⁴Free will does not mean that you can establish the curriculum. ⁵It means only that you can elect what you want to take at a given time. ⁶The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught. ⁷It does aim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of love’s presence, which is your natural inheritance. ⁸The opposite of love is fear, but what is all-encompassing can have no opposite.

2. This course can therefore be summed up very simply in this way:

²Nothing real can be threatened.
³Nothing unreal exists.

⁴Herein lies the peace of God. (ACIM, T-in.1:1–2:4)”

Read the whole book for free online.

Roaring Fork Valley Psychotherapy  and Healing with Emily Marshall

This is a beautiful book and has helped many people advance in personal and spiritual growth. If you reject the word God, I understand. I did too for a long time. The word, and the truth behind it, has been usurped and turned into a silly story about a guy in heaven, or a wrathful force to fear, or even just something that is outside of us that we are trying to be worthy of and not a direct part of our life here on Earth.

What I gradually came to see is that almost everything I believed was a lie, or a total inversion of the truth. There is power in the word GOD; and that Source, The Creator, is not only within you, it is You. God Is and I Am. Nothing more is required.

The reason that historical characters such as Buddha and Jesus still have power in this modern world, is the very high frequencies they attained and the truth of their core message: Not the books that were were written after them, but the actual words of truth they spoke and shared.

And that is the power of books like A Course in Miracles.

ACIM is very dense. My belief is that it is an excellent project to undertake for people who tend to be very in their heads and ‘intellectual’, and maybe even for those from a ‘traditional’ religious background that included the Bible.

I found that A Course in Miracles gradually wore out my intellect (in a good way!), which is essential if we are to move beyond the thinking mind to the actual experience of being. And when we experience THAT, then everything the Masters were pointing to becomes crystal clear.

If you undertake ACIM, I might suggest, as I did, that partway through, when the brain is thinking of giving up, that you take a break and read The Disappearance of the Universe by Gary Renard. It is light and easy and may help you to understand and integrate some of what you have been reading.

And if it is just too dense for you, there are many other places for you to start. There is no one way— there is a way for each of us. Check out the list of free resources to explore other options.

“What you think you are is a belief to be undone.”- ACIM

Discover how to transform whatever is blocking you. Emily is expert at helping you uncover and release ingrained mental and emotional patterns in order to reconnect to your True Self and live your highest experience. Schedule a session online or in-person. Affordable, efficient, effective therapy.

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For more, visit the FiVE STAR HUMAN blog archives here.

After Skool

I highly recommend checking our After Skool’s educational videos for adults. They are spot on (on many topics) and often include helpful bits related to human psychology and spirituality, and many times they are presented in the words of evolved humans. I would include David Chappelle in that group— a kind-hearted, deep thinker, who also can be very funny.

The following is a short intro to the After Skool offerings using a little speech by Dave Chappelle called Walk Away From Money. If you enjoy it, you can explore many more videos with great graphics here on After Skool’s YouTube page.

‘I don’t believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive.’ Joseph Campbell

Transforming lives from the inside out, Emily is expert at helping you uncover and release mental and emotional blocks in order to reconnect to others and to your True Self. Schedule a session online or in-person. Affordable, efficient, effective therapy.

For more, visit the FiVE STAR HUMAN blog archives here.

Kelly Brogan

If you haven’t yet heard of Kelly Brogan, I encourage you to check her out. To me, she is a kindred spirit, sharing the real ways people can heal from the inside out. She is a psychiatrist by training, who was very mainstream, and now helps people get off their medications (such as antidepressants– which can be extremely hard to do) using diet, some kundalini yoga and meditation (my favorite!) and inner work.

Here’s a 40 minute presentation she did which covers a lot of ground.

And if you want more, here she talked to Joe Rogan for a few hours. 🙂

I love how she backs everything she does with research. She has information from really interesting medical, health and wellness studies that you’ve probably never heard of. (I hadn’t!)

You can find loads of free info on her website.

“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” – Rumi

Emily Marshall, Teletherapy Intuitive Psychotherapy and Emotional Energy Transformation

Helping people transform their lives from the inside out. Emily is expert at helping you uncover and release mental and emotional blocks in order to reconnect to others and to your True Self. Schedule a session online or in-person. Affordable, efficient, effective therapy.

For more, visit the FiVE STAR HUMAN blog archives here.

Oldies but Goodies

José Silva gave us excellent and lasting tools for working on ourselves from the inside-out, to improve our lives and the lives of others. The Silva Method is still being taught by his instructors. His books (and those of his students) may seem outdated now (in this age of new content every minute), but the content is timeless. At its simplest, you can learn how to change brain states– on purpose and when you choose. This alone is invaluable, as most people believe they are subject to their ever-changing moods and states, instead of being in the driver’s seat.

The video course above, Silva Ultramind, includes 4 hours of teaching you how to change mind states. Even if remote viewing and influencing sound ‘out there’ to you, the skills that the instructors share are actually very simple and will help you to center and take control of your own brain wave states. In turn you will learn how to quickly shift into states of relaxation, thus sharpening your mind, and improving your health… if nothing else. 🙂

For many more Resources for Self-Help, check out this complete list here.

‘I don’t believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive.’ – Joseph Campbell

Emily Marshall, Teletherapy Intuitive Psychotherapy and Emotional Energy Transformation

Helping people transform from the inside out, Emily is expert at releasing mental and emotional blocks, and reconnecting others to their True Selves. Rates are ‘Pay From the Heart‘. Schedule a session online or in-person. Affordable, efficient, effective therapy.

For more, visit the FiVE STAR HUMAN blog archives here.

On Autism: Must Reads

Cure for autism? End the epidemic of autistic children

If someone you know or love is affected by Autism (or is ‘On The Spectrum’, including ADHD in the milder form), the following books are truly essential reading.

These three books on Autism include new inside information about communicating with autistic children (yes, it is possible parents!); how to END the autism epidemic (today 1 in 36 kids will be diagnosed, compared to 1 in 10,000 when I was born in the 70s); and how to treat (yes, treat!) autism and other related disorders.

Book 1) Underestimated: An Autism Miracle by J.B. Handley and Jamison Handley

Book 2) How to End the Autism Epidemic by J.B. Handley

Book 3) Medical Medium (Revised and Expanded Edition): Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal by Anthony William (You can start with the chapter on ADHD and Autism, then go back and read the whole book.)

‘Sometimes real superheroes live in the hearts of small children fighting big battles.’ – Anonymous (quoted from the book Underestimated, above)

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Emily Marshall, Teletherapy Intuitive Psychotherapy and Emotional Energy Transformation

Helping people transform from the inside out, Emily is expert at releasing mental and emotional blocks, and reconnecting others to their True Selves. Rates are ‘Pay From the Heart‘. Schedule a session online or in-person. Affordable, efficient, effective therapy.

For more, visit the FiVE STAR HUMAN blog archives here.

The Carrot, The Egg and The Coffee Bean

Have you heard this one?

What energetic defenses do you use? You don't have to sacrifice yourself to others or to external stress anymore.

It’s the story of the carrot, the egg, and the coffee bean. Under the same pressure—boiling water—the three have very different transformations.

The carrot, once hard and unrelenting, turns soft when a little heat is applied.

The egg starts out liquid and malleable, protected by a tough exterior. When exposed to the boiling water, the egg appears the same, but has hardened on the inside.

Then, you have the coffee bean. When placed in hot water, it resists changing itself. Instead, it turns the water into something new.

Sound familiar? As humans, we actually have many

Learn how to stop negative energy and emotional patterns. Heal old pain and end the suffering.
Energetic Defenses- Which ones do you use?

different ways we respond negatively to stress. But all stress really means is that our internal resources aren’t up to meeting the external pressures in a particular moment; in other words, we need more ENERGY and we need to discover and strengthen our inner resources. The spirit of genius and source of all wellbeing is quietly waiting within you.

It’s NEVER too late to discover your true unchanging Self and to learn how to positively influence the world around you– living from the inside out– instead of sacrificing your-Self at the altar of others, and succumbing to the continuous external pressures of the world.

I would like us to do something unprecedented, to create ourselves without finding it necessary to create an enemy.‘- James Baldwin

JOIN THE TRiBE to get the occasional free inspiration, info and news in your inbox. Your information will never, ever be shared. Unsubscribe anytime.
Emily Marshall, Teletherapy Intuitive Psychotherapy and Emotional Energy Transformation

Emily helps people transform from the inside out, releasing mental and emotional blocks, and reconnecting them to their True Selves. Rates are ‘Pay From the Heart‘. Schedule a session online. Affordable, efficient therapy.

For more, visit the FiVE STAR HUMAN blog archives here.